Boyfriend Kari Kirameki Note Wiki
Amane Keito
周 圭斗
Units Unbalanced Atelier
Year 2nd Year
Club Going Home Club
Age 16
Height 163cm
Weight 50kg
Blood Type O
Birthday March 21st
Favorite Snack Liver
Hobby Walking around at night
Voice Actor 立花慎之介 (Tachibana Shinnosuke)

Due to trauma from his past, he’s a gloomy boy with no friends. With little concern, he’s often inconsiderate about other people’s feelings. Unconsciously defending himself, when he’s approached by kind people he tends to be rude and insult them to push them away. He has anemia, so he’s often found in the infirmary.


  • Amane means "circumference, circuit, lap, surroundings, vicinity" (周).
  • Keito means "gemstone" (圭) (kei) and "Dipper" (斗) (to).

4★ and 3★ Costumes

2★ and 1★ Costumes
